Does education fuel economic growth- Reading Answers Explanations

Does education fuel economic growth- Reading Answers Explanations

Here are explanations of the Question of passage: ‘Does education fuel economic growth’ which is from the IELTS Cambridge 17 book. The questions are ‘finding information’, Blanks and MCQs’. You will find the locations of the Reading Answers, Keywords (highlighted and underlined) and justifications.

Question Answer
14 E
15 A
16 D
17 F
18 C

Questions 14-18

Reading Passage 2 has six paragraphs, A-F.

Which section contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.

14   and explanation of the need for research to focus on individuals with a fairly consistent income.

Location and Answer: The answer to this question is in the second line of the paragraph. ‘Consistent income ‘ is visible as ‘wealth constant ‘Moreover, research is as ‘look at’ in the paragraph.

15   examples of the sources the database has been compiled from

Location and Answer: A paragraph

The main keywords ‘database’ and ‘compiled’ in the question has been as it is in the first line of the paragraph and examples of the sources are given in the second line. It is as ‘records, guild ledgers, parish registers…’

16   an account of one individual’s refusal to obey an order

Location and Answer: D

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the middle line of the paragraph.The line starts as ‘The database also reveals…and the main keyword is ‘refusal’ which is there as ‘reprimanded’. Furthermore, the writer says, ‘guild for weaving cloth and combing wool’ here, this makes the answer very clear as Juliana was guild for breaking the rules.

17   a reference to a region being particularly suited to research into the link between education and economic growth

Location and Answer:  F

Explanation: The main keyword is ‘region’ and its name is as ‘Central Europe’ in the second line of the paragraph. The another keyword ‘economic growth’ is written exactly in the passage and ‘education’ has been paraphrased as ‘literacy rates’

18   examples of the items included in a list of personal possessions

Location and Answer: C paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘items’ helps to locate the answer in the first line of the paragraph and it is there as ‘belongings ‘in the passage. List of ‘personal possessions’ is there in the paragraph as ‘badger skins to bibles’…Sewing machines…Pens, slates…

Does education fuel economic growth- Reading Answers Explanations

Questions 19-22

Complete the summary below.

Choose ONE WORD from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 19-22 on your answer sheet.

Demographic reconstruction of two German communities

The database that Ogilvie and her team has compiled sheds light on the lives of a range of individuals, as well as those of their 19 …………………, over a 300-year period.

Location: D paragraph (second line)

Explanation: The Main keywords ‘Ogilvie’ and ‘300-year period’ are exactly in the passage. ‘ Range of individuals’ in the question is visible as ‘people’  Moreover, the conjunction ‘and’ is used in the passage which is written as ‘as well as’ in the question. Thus, this makes the answer very clear.

Answer: Descendants

For example, Ana Regina and Magdalena Riethmüllerin were reprimanded for reading while they should have been paying attention to a 20 ………………….

Location: D paragraph

Explanation: The main keywords ‘Ana Regina and Magdalena…’ helps to locate the answer in the third line of the paragraph as it is there exactly in the passage. ‘Reprimanded …’ is paraphrased as ‘chastised…’in the passage. Furthermore, ‘paying attention to …’ is visible as ‘listening to…’ in the passage.

Answer: Sermon

There was also Juliana Schweickherdt, who came to the notice of the weavers’ guild in the year 1752 for breaking guild rules. As a punishment, she was later given a 21 ………………….

Location:  D paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘Juliana Schweickherdt’ is in the passage that helps to locate the answer in the middle line of the paragraph. The line starts as ‘when Juliana continued….and ‘given a’ is as ‘told to pay…’in the passage. Therefore, it is easy to understand that answer is ‘fine’

Answer: Fine

Cases like this illustrate how the guilds could prevent 22 ………………… and stop skilled people from working

Location: Last line of D paragraph

Explanation: The question says ‘stop skilled people from working’ and this statement is as ‘prevented people from using their skill…’ Moreover, ‘prevent’ is as ‘held back…’in the passage.

Answer: Innovation

Questions 23 and 24

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Write the correct letters in boxes 23 and 24 on your answer sheet.

Which TWO of the following statements does the writer make about literacy rates in Section B?

A   Very little research has been done into the link between high literacy rates and improved earnings.

B   Literacy rates in Germany between 1600 and 1900 were very good.

C   There is strong evidence that high literacy rates in the modern world result in economic growth.

D   England is a good example of how high literacy rates helped a country industrialise.

E   Economic growth can help to improve literacy rates.

Location: B paragraph

Explanation: (23) The main keywords ‘literacy rates’ and ‘Germany’ has been written exactly in the second last line of the paragraph. ‘Between 1600 and 1900…’is visible in the middle line of the paragraph.  ‘Very good …’ in the question is paraphrased as ‘excellent…’ in the passage. Thus, the best option is B.

Explanation 🙁 24) the answer to this question is in the last line of the paragraph. ‘Economic growth can help to improve literacy rates…is as as ‘the growth increases education…’Here ‘increases’ is the synonym of improve and ‘education’ is the synonym of ‘literacy rates’. Thus, the correct option is E.

Answer: 23.B/E 24.B/E

Does education fuel economic growth- Reading Answers Explanations

Questions 25 and 26

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Write the correct letters in boxes 25 and 26 on your answer sheet.

Which TWO of the following statements does the writer make in Section F about guilds in German-speaking Central Europe between 1600 and 1900?

A   They helped young people to learn a skill.

B   They were opposed to people moving to an area for work.

C   They kept better records than guilds in other parts of the world.

D   They opposed practices that threatened their control over a trade.

E   They predominantly consisted of wealthy merchants.

Location: F Paragraph

Explanation : (25) the answer to this question is in the second last line of the paragraph.  ‘Threatened their control’ is paraphrased as ‘undermined their monopolies…’ ‘Opposed practices…’ has been written as ‘legislated against anything…’, thus the best option is D.

Explanation: (26) The location of the answer is in the last line of the first paragraph of section F. ‘opposed to the people moving to an area of work…’has been paraphrased as ‘blocked labour migration…’in the passage. Here ‘migration’ is the synonym of ‘moving’ and ‘labour’ means ‘work’, thus the correct option is B.

Answer: 25. B/D 26. B/D

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