IELTS Common Essay Topics – Free V/S Paid
Free- When you do not pay for services or facilities.
Paid- When you pay for services and facilities.
Actual / Real value V/S Selling value:
Actual value – The value of product when they are manufactured. (Manufacturing value)
Selling value- The value at which a product is sold.
Why basic facilities must be free?
Natural elements – Water, air, soil.
Basic facilities – Education, basic medical facilities.
- So that everyone can develop and evolve.
- Also, it creates equality.
Disadvantage of providing basic facilities for free:
- Firstly, it reduces the value of basic facilities.
- Secondly, it increases the wastage of natural resources.
- Moreover, people may misuse these elements and facilities.
Why everything (including basic facilities) must be paid?
- To maintain the value of basic facilities, everything must be paid.
- To maintain/improve the supply of basic facilities like hospitals and schools (maintenance cost).
Disadvantages of paying for basic facilities
- Firstly, not everyone can afford.
- Moreover, it creates inequality.
How to estimate the value of something?
- Price of the product is considered to be valued.
- Cultural and social importance of the product.
- Original idea of a product helps to estimate the value.
Sample Topics:
- Some people think that the government should strictly control the supply of fresh water, as it is a limited resource, while others think it should not to be regulated. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
IELTS Common Essay Topics – Free V/S Paid
IELTS Common Essay Topic – Society