Latest Speaking Follow up Questions – JOBS IN ABROAD

Latest Speaking Follow up Questions – JOBS IN ABROAD

1. What kinds of jobs are easy to get in a foreign country?

As far as I am concerned, in the developed nations there is no dearth of job opportunities. Variety of jobs are there like, if people have control over culinary skills then they can get plethora(plenty) of jobs in foreign country. Besides this, there is wide scope in driving field too, if people just know how to drive then jobs such as fork lifting, delivering and many more. For example, one of friends tells me that, he was into driving, so when he reached Canada he easily got job of a delivery boy.

2. Should young adults work abroad?

Utterly yes, youngsters must work in abroad because in this way they can get new exposure and earn tremendous amount of money simultaneously. Apart from this, they can be self reliant at young age, so they make themselves able to manage their financial expenses without depending on their parents. I want to mention an example, my brother who lives in Canada not only manages his own fundamental needs but also can broaden the horizons of mind.

3. If they don’t work, would it be helpful for them to travel in a foreign country?

Yes it can be, young people can get to know more about the foreigner’s culture and ultimately this thing would helps to expand their horizons. Even, they can interact with new people as well as witness spectacular views. Paradoxically, if they are not working then it is quite hard because they would not afford travelling over there.

4. Do Indian people encourage their children to work abroad?

Certainly yes, parents in my nations motivate their children to pursue their career in foreign country because there are two reasons behind this. First one is that, children can become mature in their life by living alone and facing such difficulties in their life. Another one is that, they can be financially strong by working abroad because there are more job opportunities.

5. If you had an opportunity to live in abroad, which country you would like to settle down in?

Well, if I had a privilege to live in a particular foreign country, then without thinking twice I will select Canada to settle down there because I have curiosity to work and study over there. In addition to this, I am not able to adapt the hot weather so that is why I reckon(think) Canada is the best choice for me because there I could enjoy the cold weather which I like the most.

6. Would you like to live in a developed city with a high salary with polluted air?

To be transparent, it is impossible to live to in a grown nation where air quality is lousy but pay rate is because if I am hard working then I can get desirable job in my own country too, but the thing is that, finding an appropriate job in India is immensely(very) tough. As I am a nature lover and hypoxemia’s(low level of oxygen in body) victim so it would be hard for me to live where air is toxic.

7. Would you like to live alone or share room with others?

To be honest, I would prefer to share room with someone because in this way monthly rent can be divided between us which would ultimately help me to save money. Furthermore, having a good company of friends is such a blessing, especially in new country. Even they would entertain when one feels homesickness, so yes I would definitely go for room sharing.

8. What are the advantage and disadvantages of living alone?

I believe that, if someone is introvert then living alone is the best option for them because they would not hesitate and feel shy while doing any sort of activity, as they can do in the front of someone. Moreover, a negative side also exists along with good one which is that, if people live alone, then there are some probabilities like they would become victim of depression because when they would have no one to talk and share their problems so it might lead to pessimistic vibes.

Latest Speaking Follow up Questions – JOBS IN ABROAD

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