Latest Speaking Follow up Questions – NEIGHBORS

Latest Speaking Follow up Questions – NEIGHBORS

1. Do you think good neighbors are important?

Utterly yes, polite neighbors are important because it is an arduous task to stay beside the people who are lacking manners. All above, good neighbors invariably(always) give helping hand at person’s worst time e as well as they are helpful for having some fun in the leisure time. For example, a few months ago, I was starving at my home because my parents were outside, then one of my neighbors gave me some food and it made me feel so ecstatic(happy) because at that time I got to know about the value of good neighbors.

2. What are the qualities of good neighbors?

There are infinite qualities that neighbors have, but cardinal ones are like they should be cooperative, as at the bad time they should figure out one’s problem and find the solution. Moreover, they must be trust worthy so there should not be any kind of trust issue between two persons. In addition to this, how can I forget to mention about the respectful nature, as they always should respect the people who are living adjacent to their home so in this way the bonding would always remain strong among them.

3. Do most people know their neighbors?

As far as I am concerned, predominantly all of the neighbors in my country are in touch with each other just mainly owning to Indian’s are gregarious(social) so they don’t hesitate to communicate. I reckon(think) that, It is the best thing in our country because life is all about meeting with others and having some fun, dwellers in my nation are following this thing from ages.

4. Now most of the people watch a lot of movie, how do you think this has affected people’s relationships with their neighbors?

Well, no doubt people are spending excessive hours on television screen in India, but it does not mean individuals relations with their can be spoiled. Because they are more important to each other than electronic appliances, even some neighbors watch television with each other in their free time.

5. How should modern people communicate must with their neighbors?

I ponder(think) that, advanced civilization interact with the neighbors face to face because in this way they can easily express about what they are feeling, even they can stay away from the misunderstandings if they are meeting offline because on the online platforms we cannot get to know about a person’s actual feeling like in which way sender tries to convey the message, in happy or angry way.

6. What are some of qualities of a good community?

To be honest, a good community is called which is invariably willing to help each other especially in the emergency. Besides this, it should be co-operative like in some sort of unpaid works all dwellers should take their step forward. One more cardinal(main) quality is that, environmental protection ought to be taken into consideration by the community and all must plant more and more trees so their just community could be considered as good community.

7. In India, are there many facilities for improving relations between neighbors?

In my country, there are immense amenities have been provided to the dwellers through which they can interact with each other. Firstly, a number of parks are available in nearby every street where neighbors come and communicate with each other. I think this is the best way to strengthen the relations. For example, I mostly go to the central park which is just adjacent to our home, there I evenly play cricket with my neighbor friend and in this way our bonding is getting stronger with the passage of time.

Latest Speaking Follow up Questions – NEIGHBORS

Latest Speaking Follow up Questions – POLLUTION

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