Band 5.5 Sample: The bar charts below show the percentages of…

Band 5.5 Sample: The bar charts below show the percentages of men and women in employment in three countries in 2005 and 2015.

The representative bar graphs provide the information about the proportions of males and females as employees in different three regions of earth and the provided information for two separate years that were 2005 and 2015.

A glance is enough to make it clear that males dominates entering in environment rates as compared to females. Additionally, male’s proportions of employment were above 50% in all regions that are Canada, South Korea and Sweden.

Coming to details, In 2005, the employment rates for men were 60%. On the other hand, women employment rate were slightly below 40%.  As far as South Korea and Sweden region were concerned, they got above 70% employment rates for males and for females employment proportions were below 50%.

In 2015, the trend was same as 2005 statics. Male employees were quite high in all three regions. Plus, the proportion of employment rates were more than 60% for males. However South Korea recorded least percentage of female employment, which was only 30%.

Band 5.5 Sample: The bar charts below show the percentages of men and women in employment in three countries in 2005 and 2015.

Band 4.5 Sample: The charts below show the results…

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