Band 6.0 Sample: The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in the six cities.

Band 6.0 Sample: The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in the six cities.

The tabular chart provides data about the underground railway systems in six cities namely London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto and Los Angeles.

Overall it is crystal Clear that London has the oldest and longest underground railway system whereas Los Angles has the newest and second shortest unground railway system.

Talking about the underground railway systems of London, Paris and Tokyo, the first underground railway system was opened in London in 1863 and it has 394 kilometres of route. Moreover, It carries 775 millions of passengers every year. In Paris and Tokyo, the underground railway systems opened in 1900 and 1927 respectively. They cover 199 kilometres and 115 Kilometres of route, and carry 1191 millions and 1927 millions of passengers per year.

In the case of Washington DC, Kyoto and Los Angeles, the underground railways opened in the years 1976, 1981 and 2001 respectively. Underground railway system of Washington DC has a route of 126 kilometres. Whereas, Los Angels has a route of 28 kilometres. The shortest of the route has been there for Kyoto which is 11 kilometres. Talking about the passengers, Washington DC carries 144 millions per year. And Los Angels carries 50 millions per year and Kyoto carries 45 million per year.

Band 6.0 Sample: The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in the six cities.

Band 5.0 Sample: The graph below shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and over…

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