Band Sample 7.0: The bar chart below shows the average Australian…

Band Sample 7.0: The bar chart below shows the average Australian water consumption in selected cities for last year. The pie chart shows the distribution of Australian water consumption for last year.


The vertical bar graph illustrates the annual water consumption of chosen Australian cities for the previous 12 months. The Pie Chart depicts the usage of water in Australia in 2014.

Overall statement:

Overall, it is crystal clear that Perth had highest residential water consumption whereas Canberra had the lowest residential water usage. Further, looking at the distribution of water consumption, the maximum was used for Agriculture and minimum was used for Mining.

Body Paragraph 1:

Talking about the Annual Residential water consumption for selected cities, Perth has the Maximum usage which is 300 kilolitre per property. Brisbane stands at the second number as it uses 250 Kilolitre per property. Adelaide is slightly below that mark. The same trend is visible for the cities namely Melbourne and Canberra. The former uses 150 Kilolitre per property on annual basis and the latter is slightly below it. However, Sidney stands at the fourth position with yearly consumption of 200 Kilolitre per property.

Body paragraph 2:

Glancing at the details of the Australian Water Usages Distribution 2014, 67 percent of the water was used for Agriculture and 33 percent of the water for the rest. 7 percent of water was used for each of the following categories; Water Supply, sewage and drainage and Electricity and gas supply. Moreover, Manufacturing and other industries used same portion of water which is the 4 percent of the total. However, household used 9 percent of the total water available whereas 2 percent of whole had been used for mining.

Band Sample 7.0: The bar chart below shows the average Australian water consumption in selected cities for last year. The pie chart shows the distribution of Australian water consumption for last year.

Band Sample 6.0:The chart below shows the total…

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