Solving Environmental Problems should be the responsibility of an international organization rather than each national government. Do you agree or disagree?

Solving Environmental Problems should be the responsibility of an international organization rather than each national government. Do you agree or disagree?

(This Essay is from the official test of 7th Jan,2023. Students must note that before they start writing, they must create a blueprint of the points.)


Nowadays, there are numbers of environmental issues which all the nations are dealing with like air pollution, water pollution and many more. Many individuals believe that the problems related to nature should be tackled only by an international organization inspite of every national government. This essay disagrees with given statement. In the upcoming paragraphs firstly this essay will discuss about it would be difficult to frame one policy for the whole to deal with environmental due to geographic and climatic variations. Secondly, it will discuss that the nations preform their role wisely at micro level and curb their own emissions, then, the word’s problem related to environment would automatically get solved at macro level.

Body Paragraph 1:

To begin with, since the world is very diverse- socially, politically and economically; every nation has a better understanding of the situations that occur in that piece of land. Government can easily monitor and weed out sectors and industries which are the mail culprits of environmental issues. This could have been very difficult for international organizations like WHO and UN as such a surveillance through policies at global level is next to impossible. National Governments can easily find about the main reasons why these issues are occurs so in the care they perform their duties and control the issues like- global warming, pollution, deforestation and so by implementing new laws and techniques. For instance, according to an article in ‘The Times of India’ in 2022 it was admitted that it would be better for a country if the problems related to nature solve nationality.

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Talking more about it, if every nation abides by its own responsibilities, then the day would not be far, when the global environment issues would come to end automatically. Thus, the sense of responsibility at the national level would even drive its citizens to act in the manner and abide accordingly. Moreover,
International bodies can only provide recommendations; finalizing them and implementing them comes in the regimes of the national governments. To exemplify, a 2023 survey of the environmental department, Chandigarh states that every country faces different kind of environmental problems and the reason behind these issues also distinct so it is good to treat all these problems only at national level.


To conclude, since every nation knows very well about what is going on in their particular nation so it would be more practical to scan and control the issues to solve environmental problems at national levels, as the reasons behind these issues may be vary according to the nation. Hence, if authorities do it nationally, it would be more appropriate.

Solving Environmental Problems should be the responsibility of an international organization rather than each national government. Do you agree or disagree?

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