Attitudes towards artificial intelligence- Reading Answers Explanations- CAM 16

Attitudes towards artificial intelligence- Reading Answers Explanations- CAM 16

Here are explanations of the Questions of passage named ‘attitudes towards artificial intelligence’ which is from the Cambridge 16 book. The Questions that have been asked are: List of headings, MCQs’ and Yes/No/Not Given. You will find the Locations of the Reading Answers, Keywords (highlighted and underlined) and justification.

READING PASSAGE 3: Attitudes towards artificial intelligence

Question  Answer
 27 III
 28 VI
 29 II
 30 I
 31 VII
 32 V
 33 C
 34 B
 35 A
 36 NO
 38 YES
 39 NO
 40 YES

Questions 27-32

Reading Passage 3 has six sections, A-F.

Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below.

Write the correct number, i-viii, in boxes 27-32 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings

i       An increasing divergence of attitudes towards AI

ii      Reasons why we have more faith in human judgment than in AI

iii     The superiority of AI projections over those made by humans

iv     The process by which AI can help us make good decisions

v      The advantages of involving users in AI processes

vi     Widespread distrust of an AI innovation

vii    Encouraging openness about how AI functions

viii   A surprisingly successful AI application

27   Section A

Location: A section (second paragraph)

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the first line of the paragraph as the writer says, ‘Many decisions in our lives require good forecast, and A1 is almost always better at forecasting we are…’Here ‘forecasting’ and ‘projections’ are synonyms.

Answer: iii

28   Section B

Location: B section (second last line of 1st paragraph)

Explanation: The main keyword is ‘widespread distrust’ and its reference is there in the paragraph as it has been written ‘if Watson provided guidance about a treatment…physicians did not see much point…’Moreover, ‘ doctors typically conclude that Watson wasn’t competent.

Answer: vi

29   Section c

Location: C section (1st paragraph)

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the first two lines of the paragraph. ‘Trust in other people is often based on our understanding of how others think and having experience…’A1, on the other hand, is still fairly new and unfamiliar to most people…’Thus, this statement makes an answer very clear.

Answer: ii

30   Section D

Location: D section (2nd paragraph)

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the second line of the paragraph.The writer says, ‘ As A1 is represented more and more in media and entertainment, it could lead to society split between those who benefit from A1 and those who rejects it…’Here, ‘split’ and ‘divergence’ are synonyms and describe about different opinions.

Answer: i

31   Section E

Location: E section (2nd paragraph)

Explanation: The main keyword is ‘A1 function’ and its reference is there in the paragraph. ‘Another solution may reveal more about the algorithms which A1 uses and the purpose they serve…social media companies and online…release transparency reports…’

Answer: vii

32   Section F

Location: f section (1st paragraph)

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the first line of the paragraph as it has been written ‘Research suggests that allowing people some control over A1 decision making could also improve trust and enable A1 to learn from human experience. Here, these are the advantages of involving users in A1.

Answer: v

Attitudes towards artificial intelligence- Reading Answers Explanations- CAM 16

Question 33-35

Choose the correct letter, ABC or D.

Write the correct letter in boxes 33-35 on your answer sheet.

33   What is the writer doing in Section A?

A   providing a solution to a concern

B   justifying an opinion about an issue

C   highlighting the existence of a problem

D   explaining the reasons for a phenomenon

Location:  A section (2nd paragraph)

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the second  line of the paragraph as the writer says, ‘yet for all these technological advances, we still seem to deeply lack of confidence in A1 predictions. Here ‘lack of confidence’ is a problem.

Answer: C

34   According to Section C, why might some people be reluctant to accept AI?

A   They are afraid it will replace humans in decision-making jobs.

B   Its complexity makes them feel that they are at a disadvantage.

C   They would rather wait for the technology to be tested over a period of time.

D   Misunderstandings about how it works make it seem more challenging than it is.

Location: C section (1st paragraph)

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the second last line of the paragraph Firstly, the writer says, ‘A1’s decision making process is usually too difficult for most people to comprehend…’Here, ‘complicated’ and ‘difficult’ are synonyms. Secondly, ‘interacting with something can cause anxiety…’Thus, this is a disadvantage.

Answer: B

35   What does the writer say about the media in Section C of the text?

A   It leads the public to be mistrustful of AI.

B   It devotes an excessive amount of attention to AI.

C   Its reports of incidents involving AI are often inaccurate.

D   It gives the impression that AI failures are due to designer error.

Location: C section (2nd paragraph)

Explanation: The main keyword is ‘media’ helps to locate the answer in the third line of the paragraph. ‘Embarrassing A1 failures receive a disproportionate amount of media attention, emphasising the message that we cannot rely on technology…’this statement makes an answer very clear.

Answer: A

Attitudes towards artificial intelligence- Reading Answers Explanations- CAM 16

Questions 36-40

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 3?

In boxes 36-40 on your answer sheet, write

YES                  if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer

NO                   if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN    if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

36   Subjective depictions of AI in sci-fi films make people change their opinions about automation.

Location: D section

Explanation: The main keyword ‘sci-fi films’ has been written as ‘cinematic vision’ in the second last line of the paragraph.The information in the question is opposite to the passage as the writer says, ‘optimists became more extreme in their enthusiasm for A1 and sceptics became even more guarded…’Thus, this line means people who were in favour of this, their opinions became more stronger which is opposite to ‘change their opinions’

Answer: No

37   Portrayals of AI in media and entertainment are likely to become more positive.

Location: D section (second paragraph)

Explanation: Though the main keywords ‘media and entertainment’ are there in the passage but there is no information regarding ‘likely to become more positive…’Thus, no information available.

Answer: Not Given

38   Rejection of the possibilities of AI may have a negative effect on many people’s lives.

Location: D section (last line)

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the last line of the paragraph. ‘Rejection’ in the question is visible as ‘refusing to accept’ in the passage. Moreover, the writer says, ‘A1 could place large people at a serious disadvantage’. Here, ‘disadvantage’ and ‘negative effect’ are synonyms.

Answer: Yes

39   Familiarity with AI has very little impact on people’s attitudes to the technology.

Location: E section (second line)

Explanation: The main keyword ‘technology’ has been written exactly in the passage but the question statement contradicts with the passage statement as the writer says, ‘simply having previous experience with A1 can significantly improve people’s opinions…’Here ‘significant impact…’ is opposite to the ‘little impact…’

Answer: No

40   AI applications which users are able to modify are more likely to gain consumer approval.

Location: F Section (1st paragraph)

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the last line of the paragraph and the information in the question is same as in the passage. The writer says, ‘when people were allowed the freedom to slightly modify an algorithm, they felt more satisfied with its decisions…’Thus, the answer is Yes.

Answer: Yes

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