In the 20th century, contact between many different parts of the world has developed rapidly
In the 20th century, contact between many different..

Recent IELTS writing task 2
International English Language Testing System exam is pre-requisite for the study visa in abroad. Students can improve their band scores by regular practice at home.
Writing Module is very important for the preparation of the ielts exam. It includes Task 1 and Task 2. Task 2 is of 40 minutes. In this article, tips and tricks for writing the formal essays is given. Strategies for scoring good bands along with the essay samples are provided. So that students can follow the instructions properly and are able to apply them. Students can even increase their vocabulary which is important for all the modules. By this students can boost their over all band scores.
Recent IELTS writing task 2.
In the 20th century, contact between many different parts of the world has developed rapidly
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