Describe a sports program you like to watch Introduction :– I have keen interest in
Describe a sports program you like to watch

Latest IELTS Speaking Cue cards
Speaking module is very important of all the modules. It is held 7 days prior or later then the given exam date. It consists of 3 sections. The general part, in which self introductory questions are asked. Like hobbies, interests, home town, education or occupation, etc. Many students consider this section easy, as the questions in this section is about them. Next, the cue card session, in the topic is given. And students have to talk about that topic for 1 to 2 minutes. Followed by the third section that the follow up questions. In this section, questions related to the cue card are asked.
Many students find these two section difficult because they lack ideas. And do not feel confident to speak up. With the help of this study material, students can get ideas.
Latest IELTS Speaking Cue cards.
Describe a sports program you like to watch Introduction :– I have keen interest in
Describe an adventure you would like to go on. Introduction :– An adventure is a
Describe the game you enjoyed playing when you were younger. General line :- Games play
Describe someone you know who has recently moved to a new place. General line :–
Describe an occasion when you spent time with a young child. General line :– Childhood
Describe a speech you gave. General line- Speech is a way through which individuals can
Describe a new store/shop in your town/city. General line- There are many types of developments
Describe a piece of clothing you wear most often General line :- it is generally
All the possible questions related to SHOES are given with sample answers. So that beginners
Latest Speaking General Questions – NAMES Does your name have any special meaning? My name
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